How the birds came to Cley
An illustrated talk by tour leader Carl Chapman about the history of NWT Cley reserve.
149 results
An illustrated talk by tour leader Carl Chapman about the history of NWT Cley reserve.
Join us on a guided circular walk around the reserve and along the shingle edge.
This longer walk, led by local author and naturalist David North, provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in the North Norfolk's coastal landscapes.
Join us for a ramble to our raptor roost watch point, looking out for some of NWT Hickling Broad’s key species along the way.
This photo exhibition by Paul Alistair Collins takes you on a journey to the remote Arctic tundra, where familiar Norfolk birds like pink-footed geese, long-tailed ducks, eiders and divers migrate…
Immerse yourself in the world of wildlife photography during this 3-hour workshop, perfect for beginners and photography enthusiasts.
Ever wondered where Cley’s winter birds spend the summer? Paul Alistair Collins in his talk will give you some insight.
Discover and learn about Cley's winter waterfowl on this 5km walk led by naturalist David North.
Help keep Norfolk's beaches pristine for wildlife!
Visit Cley for free! We'll also be hosting free family friendly activities in our Education Centre.
149 results