Blog: Long Read

Hobby (credit: Jon Bunting)


A hand dipped in frogspawn in a pond

March on our nature reserves

March is a mixed bag! Our reserves officer, Robert Morgan, recounts the wild weather and emerging wildlife and shares his top tips for making the most of the upcoming change in season.

A grey misty scene with reeds frosted over

January on our nature reserves

Our Reserves Officer, Robert Morgan, shares the crucial work happening on our reserves this winter, along with the wildlife emerging as spring approaches.

Snow Bunting

Wellness in the wild

Wrap up warm and join Nick Acheson, NWT Ambassador, as he takes a winter wildlife walk along the Cley coast.

The silhouette of a bird watcher at sunset, with yellowy clouds and swaying reeds in the background.

Rare birds in the East!

Oscar shares with us some of his favourate migrant birds from this autumn.

Roydon Common heathland in rich hues as the sun sets on the horizon

The glory of peat bogs

Our young blogger, Oscar, explores our trio of bog-tastic reserves in search of rare plants, dragonflies and damselflies.

Bramble (blackberries)

The humble briar

Steeped in folklore and a link to our ancient past, brambles play host to an astonishing array of life says Norfolk Wildlife Trust Reserves Officer Robert Morgan.

A mum and daughter looking through a telescope at Cley visitor centre

Children go wild this summer

Why not let nature entertain your family this summer, says Norfolk Wildlife Trust Reserves Officer Robert Morgan.