Blog: Norwich Western Link

Wensum woodland (credit: NWT)


A close up of Iain Robinson, he has a grey beard, black glasses and a khaki hat on.

A haven for nature: Wensum Woods

Woodland owner, Iain Robinson, reflects on the latest news that the Norwich Western Link application has been withdrawn.

A fluffy, dark brown barbastelle bat clinging to a rockface.

An evidence-based battle for wildlife

A look into Dr. Charlotte Packman's research into barbastelle bats to understand the impact of a major road through the Wensum Valley.

A look up into the canopy of a woodland. There are lush green leaves on the trees and a clear blue sky.

The carbon cost of the Western Link

If the construction of the Norwich Western Link starts in 2024, there would be two major impacts, both acting against making the necessary cuts in carbon emissions.