Blog: Plants

Hobby (credit: Jon Bunting)


Roydon Common heathland in rich hues as the sun sets on the horizon

The glory of peat bogs

Our young blogger, Oscar, explores our trio of bog-tastic reserves in search of rare plants, dragonflies and damselflies.

Bramble (blackberries)

The humble briar

Steeped in folklore and a link to our ancient past, brambles play host to an astonishing array of life says Norfolk Wildlife Trust Reserves Officer Robert Morgan.

A stormy sea, with large waves crashing

Wild is the wind

The recent storms have up-rooted trees, broken branches and burst rivers into surrounding fields, but nature can thrive on a good shake-up says NWT Reserves Officer Robert Morgan. 

A tawny owl is asleep during the daytime in a tree covered with ivy

In praise of ivy

Ivy provides a wealth of benefits for our wildlife. As well as providing cover, it offers nectar in the autumn when few other plants are in flower, and berries at a critical time in winter says…